There is some really useful software contained on the CBT tape, but sometimes it requires a bit of manipulation to get it in a form that is usable on MVS 3.8 as most of the mainframe computing world is currently using some flavor of OS/390 while we are back in the past about thirty years on an operating system most people would refer to as obsolete. Some of the software that I get working and find that I use frequently I am going to include here on this page.
On the page for the each module listed below I will include:
a description of the software
where it is on the CBT tape
sample output (if any)
the jobstream I used to install to software, which will include the modifications required to the software to install and/or run on MVS 3.8
November 2014 Update
At various times I have retrieved items from older versions of the CBT tapes. The older versions are available from the site, but are mostly available as tape images, which require some work to reload before individual files may be accessed. I have begun to revisit some of these versions and in the process am organizing them in such a way to be able to stow them on my site as individual volumes. Therefore, if anyone needs to quickly access an older version of the CBT 'tape', they may download the image, attach it to their Hercules' MVS system and have quicker access. To access these older versions, follow this link: Older CBT Versions
ALIST - TSO command - lists information about all allocated datasets
CATLG - TSO commands - adds three IEHPROGM functions
CONSAMS - execute IDCAMS commands from system console
DD - TSO command - displays the attributes of datasets
DDN - TSO command - shorthand version of ALLOC
DISKMAP - Prints report of dataset allocation on selected DASD volumes
DSAT - TSO command - displays data set information by index level.
DUDASD - TSO command - displays DASD unit information on TSO User's screen
DUTAPES - TSO command - display TAPE unit information on TSO User's screen (also STC)
DYNALLOC - subroutine allows COBOL main program to dynamically allocate datasets
FILEATTR - subroutine allows COBOL main program to retrieve dataset attributes
FIND - TSO command - searchs members of PDS for string (similar to 'check' function of PDSUPDTE)
FINDFILE - TSO command - displays the catalog and DASD location of a specified dataset
FREEALL - TSO command - frees all allocated datasets
GDGCOPY - copies Generation Data Groups in correct order
IBHLSPAC - list all availble space on DASD that are online
IEHMAP - analyze DASD, print listing of contents, recover bad VTOC entries
INSTREAM - TSO command to copy statements embedded in CLIST to a dataset
LISTDD - TSO command to list attributes of allocated datasets
LISTPDS - list and/or punch source libraries or datasets
LISTSPC - TSO command - displays dataset allocation and freespace information
LISTVOL - TSO command - displays volume(s) on which dataset is allocated
LM - TSO command - displays directory for Partitioned Datasets
MS - TSO command - displays various system statistics and execution information.
MEMBER - TSO command to display information about a member of PDS.
MNEMAC - Extended mnemonic macros for IFOX assembler
OFFLOAD - unload Partitioned Dataset contents to sequential dataset (see PDSLOAD)
PDSBLKS - TSO command to display directory blocks allocated/used for a Partitioned Dataset
PDSGEN - generate card images from one or more PDS libraries
PDSLOAD - reload Partitioned Dataset contents from sequential dataset (see OFFLOAD)
PDSPRINT - print/punch members of partitioned datasets
PDSPROGM - provides the functions of IEHPROGM with simpler control statements
PDSUPDTE - allows global modifications of contents of libraries
PDSUR - Unload/Reload PDS in IEHMOVE format
PRINTALL - read any dataset and prints contents with optional hex dump.
PRINTOFF - TSO command - prints PDS or sequential dataset to SYSOUT
PTFSEL - lists and optionally copies PTFs from an input PTF file
RLSE - TSO command - releases unused space allocated to DASD resident datasets
SETPFKEY - allows console Program Function Keys to be set at IPL time
SHOWASM - TSO command - display aux storage, page/swap dataset information
SHOWDSCB - batch program to decode and display DSCB information for dataset(s)
SHOWSMF - display information about SMF datasets (TSO command or STC)
SLACLE - SLAC Modifications to the OS/VS Linkage Editor
STACK - TSO command - capture output from PUTGET I/O of next TSO command
SUPERGEN - like IEBGENER, but with many more options
SUPERLST - formatted VTOC and track map listing
SYSREPRO - another IEBGENER clone, but with some useful features
SYSTEM - TSO command - displays IPL information about MVS 3.8j
TAPEMAP - analyze tapes and report on contents of datasets
TAPESCAN - report (and copy) contents of datasets on tapes
VOLS - TSO command to display online DASD volumes + available space
VSAMLIST - VSAM Catalog List Utility
VTOC - TSO command to display DASD VTOC information
VTOCLIST - user-friendly formatted VTOC
ZAPDSCB - batch program to change DSCB attributes of any DASD dataset
ZDUMPTP - generalized dump of tape datasets in hex format
ZZRELINK - builds JCL to re-link
edit load module(s)
I hope that you have found my instructions useful. If you have questions that I can answer to help expand upon my explanations and examples shown here, please don't hesitate to send them to me:
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