Extended Mnemonic Macros for IFOX Assembler

Many of the more recent programs written in assembler rely upon extended mnemonic op codes that were not available in the MVS assembler - Assembler H (IFOX00).  Jan Jaeger has written a set of macros that provide the equivalent functionality of these newer opcodes to Assembler H, which will allow a number of programs to correctly assemble that would otherwise be unavailable for use by the Hercules' community.

From the documentation member of file #177 of the CBT tape:

... is from Jan Jaeger, and contains an IEBUPDTE-
unloaded library of macros, which simulate XA, ESA, OS/390,
and z/OS (64-bit) instructions. The intent of this
library is to be able to assemble newer code on an
older version of the Assembler, even perhaps on
IFOX00 ... The original version of this file came from the
(now defunct) FILES section of the Hercules 390 Yahoo group.


The installation jobstream - $mnemac.tgz [MD5: 31894C187DBCE21CBFC927E805373272] - uses IEBUPDTE to create, load, and catalog a user macro library - SYS1.MNEMAC  Download the archive and extract the jobstream (WinZip on Windows or tar on Linux).  Submit the jobstream - $mnemac.jcl.  The target volume is SMP001 (on a 3350) and may be changed as required for your system.

Macros in Collection

ADB         CUSE        LMD         SAM31       
ADBR        CUTFU       LMG         SAM64       
AEB         CUUTF       LMH         SAR         
AEBR        CVBG        LNDBR       SCHM        
AG          CVDG        LNEBR       SCKPF       
AGF         CXBR        LNGFR       SDB         
AGFR        CXFR        LNGR        SDBR        
AGHI        CXR         LNXBR       SEB         
AGR         DDB         LNXR        SEBR        
AHI         DDBR        LPDBR       SERVC       
ALC         DEB         LPEBR       SFPC        
ALCG        DEBR        LPGFR       SG          
ALCGR       DL          LPGR        SGF         
ALCR        DLG         LPQ         SGFR        
ALG         DLGR        LPSWE       SGR         
ALGF        DLR         LPXBR       SIE         
ALGFR       DSG         LPXR        SLAG        
ALGR        DSGF        LRAG        SLB         
AXBR        DSGFR       LRV         SLBG        
BAKR        DSGR        LRVG        SLBGR       
BASSM       DXBR        LRVGR       SLBR        
BCTG        EAR         LRVH        SLG         
BCTGR       EFPC        LRVR        SLGF        
BRAS        EPSW        LTDBR       SLGFR       
BRASL       EREG        LTEBR       SLGR        
BRC         EREGG       LTGFR       SLLG        
BRCL        ESEA        LTGR        SQD         
BRCT        ESTA        LTXBR       SQDB        
BRCTG       FIDR        LTXR        SQDBR       
BRE         FIER        LURA        SQDR        
BRH         FIXR        LURAG       SQE         
BRL         HSCH        LXD         SQEB        
BRM         ICMH        LXDR        SQEBR       
BRNE        IESBE       LXE         SQER        
BRNH        IIHH        LXER        SQXBR       
BRNL        IIHL        LXR         SQXR        
BRNM        IILH        LZDR        SRAG        
BRNO        IILL        LZER        SRLG        
BRNP        J           LZXR        SRNM        
BRNZ        JE          MDB         SRST        
BRO         JH          MDBR        SSCH        
BRP         JL          MEE         STAM        
BRU         JM          MEEB        STCKE       
BRXH        JNE         MEEBR       STCMH       
BRXHG       JNH         MEER        STCPS       
BRXLE       JNL         MGHI        STCRW       
BRXLG       JNM         MHI         STCTG       
BRZ         JNO         ML          STFL        
BSA         JNOP        MLG         STFPC       
BSG         JNZ         MLGR        STG         
BSM         JO          MLR         STMG        
BXHG        JP          MS          STMH        
BXLEG       JZ          MSCH        STPQ        
CDB         KDB         MSG         STRAG       
CDBR        KDBR        MSGF        STRV        
CDFBR       KEB         MSGFR       STRVG       
CDFR        KEBR        MSGR        STRVH       
CDGBR       KXBR        MSR         STSCH       
CDSG        LAE         MSTA        STSI        
CEB         LAM         MVCDK       STURA       
CEBR        LARL        MVCLE       STURG       
CEFBR       LCDBR       MVCLU       SXBR        
CEFR        LCEBR       MVCSK       TAM         
CEGBR       LCGFR       MVPG        TAR         
CFC         LCGR        MVST        TBDR        
CFDBR       LCTLG       MXBR        TBEDR       
CFDR        LCXBR       NG          TCDB        
CFEBR       LCXR        NGR         TCEB        
CFER        LDE         NIHH        TCXB        
CFXR        LDEB        NIHL        THDER       
CG          LDEBR       NILH        THDR        
CGDBR       LDER        NILL        TMH         
CGEBR       LEDBR       OG          TMHH        
CGF         LEXR        OGR         TMHL        
CGFR        LFPC        OIHH        TML         
CGHI        LG          OIHL        TP          
CGR         LGF         OILH        TPI         
CHI         LGFR        OILL        TRACE       
CHSC        LGH         PALB        TRACG       
CKSM        LGHI        PGIN        TRAP2       
CLCLE       LGR         PGOUT       TRAP4       
CLCLU       LHI         PKA         TRE         
CLG         LKPG        PKU         TROO        
CLGF        LLGC        PLO         TROT        
CLGFR       LLGF        PR          TRTO        
CLGR        LLGFR       RCHP        TRTT        
CLMH        LLGH        RLL         TSCH        
CLST        LLGT        RLLG        UNPKA       
CMPSC       LLGTR       RP          UNPKU       
CPYA        LLIHH       RSCH        UPT         
CSCH        LLIHL       SACF        XG          
CSG         LLILH       SAL         XGR         
CSP         LLILL       SAM24       XSCH        

I hope that you have found my instructions useful.  If you have questions that I can answer to help expand upon my explanations and examples shown here, please don't hesitate to send them to me:

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This page was last updated on March 30, 2020 .