SHOWASM is a TSO command that displays the current auxiliary storage manager slot status and the status for all current page and swap datasets on the IPLed system. It may also be executed as a started task from the MVS operator's console.
It is located in File #301 of the CBT overflow tape (was
formerly located in file #352 of the main CBT tape) and is part of a
collection of batch programs and TSO commands contributed by Ken True at INTEL.
There are no changes required to assemble this command under MVS 3.8j as it exists on the CBT tape, although successful assembly requires a macro - PGM - to be retrieved from the same file and prepended to the source for the F Assembler. The added value of using the installation jobstream here is that the JCL has been provided that will install the command with minimal effort and the jobstream also includes a HELP text module that will be accessible from TSO and a set of JCL that will be installed in your PROCLIB to allow the command to be executed from the MVS operator's console.
The jobstream - showasm$.jcl - is contained in the archive showasm.tgz [MD5: 853A2A612B8F39B7905E3B3554365461]. Download the archive and extract the jobstream (WinZip on Windows/?? or tar on Linux). Submit the jobstream to assemble and link the single load module for SHOWASM into SYS2.CMDLIB, copy the help text into SYS2.HELP, and copy the STC JCL into SYS2.PROCLIB. If you don't have SYS2.CMDLIB defined, you will need to modify the jobstream to specify a different target load library. Also if you do not have SYS2.HELP defined, you may modify the jobstream to place the help information into SYS1.HELP. Finally, if you do not have SYS2.PROCLIB defined, you may modify the jobstream to place the procedure JCL into SYS1.PROCLIB.
SHOWASM requires no operands. In order to execute the command from TSO, the TSO User ID must be authorized for OPER.
From TSO:
From the Operator's Console:
I hope that you have found my instructions useful. If you have questions that I can answer to help expand upon my explanations and examples shown here, please don't hesitate to send them to me:
This page was last updated on January 17, 2015 .