As I rewrote my MVS 3.8 installation instructions, I decided to add this page as a way of handling miscellaneous questions that might arise. I also tried to remember and include some of the questions that have been asked and answered in the group discussions. I will be adding to this page, so it might be a good idea to check back from time to time, especially if you have a question you need answered.
[December 2006] I have been made aware of a compatibility issue when text files (scripts and JCL) from the archives on my site are used on Linux/UNIX systems:
All your shell-Scripts/jcls and *.cnf have the Control-Character "<CTRL>M" at the end of the line when I make a "tar -xvzf installmvs.tgz" on the ubuntu Linux-Box and then shell-Scripts are not executable within the Shell.
I began creating content for this site in mid-2000, and during the passing decades my own systems have evolved from OS/2 - to Windows (all versions from NT through 7) - to Linux (several versions). So the files and archives have been created on different systems, which may mean different line termination for plain text (ASCII) files. Any text files created from 2017 onward, unless stated specifically otherwise, are created on Linux, so the lines of text in the files will be terminated only with <CTRL>A (line feed character). There is a simple solution for converting files created on a Linux system to be in Windows standard, and vice-versa. A utility is available that may be used to convert the line termination of text files so that they will function correctly on Windows (if created on Linux) and on Linux (if created on Windows). It is available from several sources (search for 'fromdos' or 'todos' in your favorite search engine), or use the link:
Tofrodos - Convert text files to/from MSDOS/Windows/Unix (freeware)
An alternative for Windows users is to edit the text files with the freely available Notepad++ utility, which will correctly edit the files, even without the <CTRL>M at the end of the line.
Why do two printed output lines occasionally appear "side by side" in the file?
Why do blank lines occasionally occur in print output files?
Why can't the Windows/2000 telnet client connect to the MVS starter system? What alternatives exist?
What are the historical relationships between IBM's mainframe operating systems?
Why does my Windows/?? tn3270 client not work with Hercules/MVS?
What does the Disabled wait state message issued during IPL mean?
How do I prevent the PCOMM terminal emulator from requesting a printer during session startup?
Is there a naming convention for IBM components and programs?
Why is VTAM (jobname NET) unable to allocate needed DASD unit(s) when S NET command issued?
Why can't the Windows/2000 telnet client connect to the MVS starter system? What alternatives exist?
Why does my Windows/?? tn3270 client not work with Hercules/MVS?
What does the message - HHCCF042E Device type ???? not recognized - mean and how do I fix it?
What does the Disabled wait state message issued during IPL mean?
How do I prevent the PCOMM terminal emulator from requesting a printer during session startup?
I downloaded the Hercules files, ... do these files contain MVS?
Computer/Windows updated; why is every Hercules' startup now slow?
Can Software Development Laboratories version of Hercules be used to run MVS 3.8j.
Why can't the Windows/2000 telnet client connect to the MVS starter system? What alternatives exist?
How can I eliminate the prompt for SMF parameters during IPL?
Why does my Windows/?? tn3270 client not work with Hercules/MVS?
What does the message - $HASP050 JES2 RESOURCE SHORTAGE - mean and how can I fix it?
How do I prevent the PCOMM terminal emulator from requesting a printer during session startup?
How can I cancel/delete a job when there are other jobs with the same (duplicate) name?
Why is VTAM (jobname NET) unable to allocate needed DASD unit(s) when S NET command issued?
Why do two printed output lines occasionally appear "side by side" in the file?
Why do blank lines occasionally occur in print output files?
What does the message - $HASP050 JES2 RESOURCE SHORTAGE - mean and how can I fix it?
Why is it necessary to use FORMAT or COLD START when JES2 options change?
How do I set up JES2 to automatically purge output from the queue?
How can I change the class of print/punch output using QUEUE?
How can I cancel/delete a job when there are other jobs with the same (duplicate) name?
How can I restore the printer queue back to having nothing in it?
How can I eliminate the prompt for SMF parameters during IPL?
How can I execute catalogued procedures from a library other than SYS1.PROCLIB?
What does the message - $HASP050 JES2 RESOURCE SHORTAGE - mean and how can I fix it?
Why do I have to enter a Start command for JES2 printers after IPL?
Why is VTAM (jobname NET) unable to allocate needed DASD unit(s) when S NET command issued?
Why do I get 80A and 106 abends whenever I try to issue TSO commands or execute programs?
Why does my TSO session abend with a SYSTEM=522 completion code and what can I do to fix it?
How do I resolve a workspace truncated message in RPF when editing a large dataset?
How can I change the class of print/punch output using QUEUE?
How can I code a CLIST to test for a variable/literal that is identical to a reserved word?
How can I easily delete (and uncatalog) a group of datasets at once?
and the reverse: How can I easily catalog all the datasets on a volume?
How do I code an assembler program to access a VSAM cluster using Path/Alternate Index?
Why do I get the message "IKF0015I-C ... COMPILATION ABANDONED" from the MVT COBOL compiler?
Is there a way to make IFOX00 accept blank cards in a source program?
How do I code the SELECT/ASSIGN statements for the MVT COBOL compiler?
How can I execute catalogued procedures from a library other than SYS1.PROCLIB?
Where can I obtain missing extended mnemonic opcode definitions/macros?
Is there a way to suppress the default PLI/F (E)STAE abend handler?
Is there a means to determine which assembler is being used to assemble source code?
What built-in symbolic variables are available for Assembler F?
Will code compiled (or assembled) under MVS 3.8 execute on newer versions of the operating system?
Can I access the data passed in a PARM operand on the EXEC JCL statement in MVT COBOL?
Can a COBOL program compiled with MVT COBOL create User Tape Labels?
I have heard about Concept 14 Macros, what are they and where can I get them?
I received RPG compiler errors about STERLING; what have I done wrong and how can I fix it?
If you have questions that I can try to answer for you, please don't hesitate to send them to me:
This page was last updated on February 21, 2024.