The LISTDD TSO command displays dataset information for a specified allocated DD name or for all allocated DD names.  The format is similar to LISTA output, but allows selection of single DD name and displays all information at one time.

The source for LISTDD was the XEPHON MVS Update (1988) from the CBT tape (file #830); the original author was Paul Horak.



 The single install jobstream:

There were no changes required to the source for MVS 3.8j, although I did need to supply an EQUATE macro to define the Register EQUates.  

The jobstream - listdd.jcl - is contained in the archive listdd.rar [MD5: 1055606c019e9b67b8bba369b9619b3a].  Download the archive and extract the jobstream (WinRAR on Windows or tar on Linux).  Submit the jobstream to assemble and link the single load module for LISTDD into SYS2.CMDLIB and copy the help text into SYS2.HELP.  If you don't have SYS2.CMDLIB defined, you will need to modify the jobstream to specify a different target load library.  Also if you do not have SYS2.HELP defined, you may modify the jobstream to place the help information into SYS1.HELP.


Utilizing LISTDD

LISTDD requires a single operand, either the DD name of an allocated DD to be listed or an asterisk (*) for all allocated DD names.  LISTDD will clear the screen and display the attributes for the selected DD names:

listdd *   

 _DDNAME_  ___DISP___  VOLSER  ___________________DSNAME___________________ 
 SYS00002  SHR,KEEP    PUB000  UCPUB000                                     
 SYS00004  SHR,KEEP    SYSP01  UCSYSP01                                     
 INST      SHR,KEEP    SYSP01  SYSP.INSTALL.CNTL                            
 SYSHELP   SHR,KEEP    MVSRES  SYS1.HELP                                    
           SHR,KEEP    MVS000  SYS2.HELP                                    
 SYSPROC   SHR,KEEP    PUB000  HMVS01.CLIST                                 
           SHR,KEEP    MVS000  SYS1.CMDPROC                                 
 DOCS      SHR,KEEP    SYSP01  SYSP.INSTALL.DOCS                            
 CAPT      SHR,KEEP    PUB000  JAY01.CAPTURE                                

I hope that you have found my instructions useful.  If you have questions that I can answer to help expand upon my explanations and examples shown here, please don't hesitate to send them to me:

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This page was last updated on January 18, 2015 .