PDSLOAD will read a sequential dataset in IEBUPDTE format (created by the OFFLOAD program or the REVIEW TSO command) and recreate a Partitioned Dataset that is the equivalent to the original. IEBUPDTE can be used to accomplish the same result, but PDSLOAD has the following capabilities:
stores SPF statistics in a member's directory entry if they are present on the ./ ADD statement,
can generate SPF statistics if none are present,
can select one member from the input file,
restores modified IEBUPDTE statements within a member,
does not list the data in the member,
prints the number of records for each member written.
This utility was written by Bill Godfrey, Planning Research Corporation, McLean, VA. On January 3, 2007 I updated the version available here to the one contained in file #93, which was last updated by Sam Golub in February, 2000.
In order to assemble PDSLOAD with Assembler XF, I had to relocate one EQUate statement to follow the storage it referenced (statements I moved are marked in the source by *JLM* in column 66), as well as replace the system variable &SYSDATC in the program identification header with &SYSDATE and &SYSTIME. The jobstream to assemble PDSLOAD - pdsload$.jcl - is contained in the archive pdsload.tgz [MD5: 6AEB709153E6420FDF6097B27E01D278]. Download the archive and extract the jobstream (WinZip on Windows/?? or tar on Linux). Submit the jobstream - pdsload$.jcl - to assemble and link the single load module for PDSLOAD into SYS2.LINKLIB. If you don't have SYS2.LINKLIB defined, you will need to modify the jobstream to specify a different target load library for your system.
Here is an example jobstream for executing PDSLOAD:
//PDSLOAD JOB (ACCT#),PDSLOAD, // CLASS=A,MSGCLASS=A //PDSLOAD EXEC PGM=PDSLOAD //SYSUT1 DD <parameters for input dataset> //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSUT2 DD <parameters for output (recreated) PDS> //
The DCB attributes for the input dataset (SYSUT1) need not be specified if the dataset has standard labels. If the dataset is an unlabeled tape, only DCB=BLKSIZE=80 is required.
If the output dataset does not have attributes in its label and are not specified on the SYSUT2 DD statement, the program will set them to LRECL=80, BLKSIZE=3120.
The options that may be specified in the PARM are:
The only IEBUPDTE control statements that are recognized by PDSLOAD are the ./ ADD statement and the ./ ALIAS statement. The NAME= operand must be specified as the first or second operand (sometimes SSI= is specified first). Any other IEBUPDTE operand (except SSI=) is invalid and will prevent subsequent operands from being processed. These ADD statements will be processed correctly:
In order for SPF statistics to be stored, the ./ ADD statement must look like this:
The format of the 50-byte SPF field is fixed. Each value must have the correct number of digits (prefaced by leading zeros if required). Only the 10-byte ID field at the end may have a variable length. No embedded blanks allowed. Values must be separated by a hyphen as shown above. If the data does not conform to these rules, the member will still be written but without SPF statistics.
I hope that you have found my instructions useful. If you have questions that I can answer to help expand upon my explanations and examples shown here, please don't hesitate to send them to me:
This page was last updated on January 17, 2015 .