Micro Mainframe
MVS and OS/390

On this page I include any links to useful information that I felt couldn't be classified elsewhere on my site.

Web Sites

Mike Murach & Associates

Mike Murach has been publishing books for mainframe computer professionals since 1974.  There are references to several of their books in other places on my site, but I wanted to include them on the links page also.  If you need a book on a programming topic, you probably should start here.

Computer Literacy Bookstore

This is another good place to visit when you are looking for computer and technology books.

The CBT Tape Home Page - MVS Freeware

The CBT tape is a collection of freeware almost all open-source distribution for the IBM mainframe MVS and OS/390 operating system environment. The entire collection of free software can be downloaded at the site as well as freeware for JES2, JES3, and other related S/390 material. A large repository of links to S/390 related sites on the Internet and archives of older material are also features. Visitors can sign-up for a free email newsletter to keep up with the latest updates to S/390 freeware and the CBT Tape collection.

SHARE Home Page

SHARE is a volunteer run association providing user focused education, professional networking and a forum to influence the Information Technology industry. The first meeting, held in 1955, included scientists and engineers whose companies had ordered IBM's newest computer, the 704.

Tek-Tips Forums

Tek-tips is a web community where computer professionals meet to ask questions, discuss solutions, and share knowledge in a variety of specialty areas.

Institute for Certification of Computing Professionals

The Institute for Certification of Computing Professionals (ICCP) is the world's leading certification body for information technology professionals.

REXX Language Association

The REXX Language Association is an independent organization dedicated to promoting the use and understanding of the REXX programming language.

REXX has all but replaced CLIST as the scripting language on OS/390 and is also widely ported to other operating system platforms.


Re-Boot Hill

This is the site of an excellent collection of true stories of disastrous attempts to downsize by replacing functional mainframe installations with client/server or minicomputer solutions.  If upper management starts thinking about cutting corners in IT to justify their own exorbitant salaries, send them here to see for themselves what enormous failures such decisions have made at other installations.  Or add your own story if you have one to share.

Search S/390

This site offers a great collection of S/390 related information, including lots of S/390 specific searchable databases.

Developer City

This site is a collection of links to free tools for developers and programmers - language compilers and interpreters, libraries and source code, webmaster tools, documentation and programming tools.

Mainframe Week

This is a weekly web based newsmagazine with articles pertinent to all aspects of the IBM Mainframe environment - JCL, DB2, CICS, etc.  Previous issues are available for download.

Mainframe Forum

This is a group of forums relevant to mainframe issues.  It functions like a set of web based newsgroups.  Visitors may read and respond to existing posts, or create new topic threads.

This page was last updated on July 31, 2008.