Compiler/Language/Tools Volume
Version 01.41 2025/03/11
The rationale for creating a single DASD volume with all of the language compilers and related tools includes several factors:
easily install all compilers and related tools in a single step so they are all ready to use, even if you might not initially realize that an included tool will later be useful to you,
isolate compilers and related tools from the other MVS system software,
when upgrades are necessary because new languages/tools have been added, it is easier to copy down a new pack than to use a separate install process, perhaps for several upgraded compilers or new tools. (See Updating to a later version of SYSCPK below.)
In order to be compatible with the largest number of Hercules/MVS users and also provide the maximum usable space, the type of DASD volume chosen was a 3350. The volume serial number is SYSCPK - SYStem Compiler PacK. The volume contains its own VSAM User Catalog: UCSYSCPK and is installed with an ALIAS in the VSAM Master Catalog of SYSC. All Non-VSAM datasets on the volume begin with the high level qualifier SYSC, so that they are automatically accessed via the ALIAS/User Catalog relationship. The volume also contains a Procedure Library, in which all the procedures to access the compilers/tools are cataloged.
As I created the volume and populated it with the compilers, I attempted to include as much documentation as I could on the volume itself. You will find an index dataset - SYSC.$INDEX - that contains a one line description of all the other datasets on the volume. I have also included $INDEX members in those datasets where it was permissible to do so, and included one line descriptions of the contents of the individual members of the datasets.
The dataset SYSC.SETUP.CNTL contains two jobstreams which will assist in the incorporation of the volume into your existing MVS system. It also contains the jobstreams I used to initially set up the volume - initializing the volume, building the User Catalog/ALIAS, and allocating the Partitioned Datasets for the Procedure Library and Load Library.
All other datasets on the volume were created during the process of installing the compilers/tools listed on the prior page of this site. There were some modifications made to the target library names in order to fit the target environment, but the same basic installation jobs were used. A major difference is that, whenever possible, I installed from source code instead of reloading object libraries and I have left the source code intact in datasets on the SYSCPK volume.
Note: If you have already integrated SYSCPK into your system, you do not need to follow the steps below to update to the latest version of the volume from my site. Instead, continue below at Updating to a later version of SYSCPK.
The tasks necessary to install the volume into an existing Hercules/MVS system are:
Download the archive containing the volume and unpack it in the directory where your other DASD volume images reside;
With Hercules/MVS running, attach the volume to Hercules and vary it online to MVS;
Run the job to Import/Connect the User Catalog;
Run the job to modify the JES2 procedure and the SYS1.PARMLIB members;
Shutdown MVS/Hercules;
Add the volume to your Hercules' configuration file;
Restart Hercules/MVS.
SYSCPK.tar.gz [24.2 mb MD5: bb6af0ec3ff2ae536aa636528b104ad8] contains a single file, the 3350 DASD volume image. Unpack it and place it in the same directory with your other DASD volume images. As provided, the volume is not compressed, but you can compress it using the dasdcopy utility included with Hercules by using the command:
dasdcopy -z -a syscpk.3350 ofile
where ofile is the name of the file to contain the compressed DASD image. You will probably wish to rename the image file in order to be consistent with the naming scheme for DASD volumes in your environment, so it would be appropriate to rename the volume image at the same time you are compressing it. If you do not utilize compressed DASD on your system, you may simply rename the volume image after it has been unpacked so that the name is consistent with your other volumes.
A Volume Table of Contents listing of the SYSCPK volume may be seen at: SYSCPK Volume Table of Contents Listing. Note: This listing may not be updated every time the SYSCPK DASD image is updated.
Because MVS will default to PUBLIC class for volumes auto-mounted at IPL, it is preferable to start Hercules and MVS without adding a reference to the SYSCPK volume to your Hercules' configuration file at this time.
Let me restate that this is a 3350 DASD image, so you will need to determine an appropriate address in your MVS system to which the volume may be mounted.
Use the Hercules' attach command to open the volume image to Hercules:
Use the Vary and Mount commands on the MVS console to place the volume online:
The above example is from a system built using my instructions, so address 257 is defined as a 3350 device. This may not be true on your system!
As mentioned above, there are jobstreams included in the dataset SYSC.SETUP.CNTL on the volume that will integrate the volume into your existing MVS system. The first of these to be run is in the member IMPORT. This jobstream uses IDCAMS to connect the User Catalog on the SYSCPK volume to the VSAM Master Catalog and then defines an ALIAS so that the high level qualifier SYSC is related to the User Catalog. The contents of that jobstream are:
//IMPORT JOB (SYS),'IMPORT USER CAT',CLASS=A,MSGCLASS=A, // MSGLEVEL=(1,1) //* //* ----------------------------------------------------------------- * //* * //* On the DASD volume SYSCPK there is a User Catalog defined. All * //* of the datasets contained on that volume are catalogued in that * //* User Catalog. This job IMPORTS that User Catalog into the MVS * //* Master Catalog, thereby making the User Catalog and its contents * //* visable to MVS. An Alias is then defined in the Master Catalog * //* that will direct all searches for datasets beginning with the * //* High Level Qualifier "SYSC" to be directed to the User Catalog on * //* the SYSCPK volume. Any new datasets created with a High Level * //* Qualifier of "SYSC" will be cataloged in that User Catalog. * //* * //* ----------------------------------------------------------------- * //* //IDCAMS01 EXEC PGM=IDCAMS,REGION=4096K //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSCPK DD UNIT=3350,DISP=OLD,VOL=SER=SYSCPK //SYSIN DD * IMPORT CONNECT OBJECTS ( - UCSYSCPK - DEVICETYPE (3350) - VOLUMES (SYSCPK) ) DEFINE ALIAS ( - NAME (SYSC) - RELATE (UCSYSCPK) ) //
Submit the job; the single step should receive a return code of 0000. If your Master Catalog is password protected, you will be prompted on the MVS Operator's console for the password twice during the execution of this job - once when the User Catalog is imported and again when the Alias is created.
The catalogued procedure used to start JES2, which is contained in SYS1.PROCLIB, must be modified in order to search the Procedure Library on the SYSCPK volume. Also, two members of SYS1.PARMLIB must be updated - IEAAPF??, which controls from which load libraries authorized programs may be executed, and VATLST??, which determines the Class under which DASD volumes are automatically mounted during IPL. I have written a program and a jobstream to execute the program which reads the existing contents of the members to be changed and generates a second jobstream to apply the changes. The generated jobstream may be edited before it is submitted, or submitted directly to the internal reader. The source of the program is contained in SYSC.SETUP.CNTL(ISYSCPK); it has been compiled and the load module is contained in SYSC.LINKLIB, ready to execute. The jobstream to execute is contained in SYSC.SETUP.CNTL(ISYSCPKJ):
You may submit it as it exists to produce a listing of the jobstream that will be generated. The SYSOUT DD will contain a progress log:
The actual member names for IEAAPF?? and VATLST?? may vary widely among systems; each name includes a two character suffix that is either specified in the IEASYS00 member of SYS1.PARMLIB or defaults to 00 if not specified. The generated jobstream will first copy the existing contents of the members to be modified, creating backups:
so they may be restored in case of major problems. If the JES2 procedure becomes damaged so that JES2 will not start, the previous procedure may be used by substituting JES2OLD for JES2 in the start command:
Here is a version of the generated jobstream executed on one version of MVS:
//$SYSCPK JOB (SYS),INTEGRATE.SYSCPK,CLASS=A,MSGCLASS=X //IDCAMS EXEC PGM=IDCAMS,REGION=1024K //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //JES DD DSN=SYS1.PROCLIB(JES2),DISP=MOD //APF DD DSN=SYS1.PARMLIB(IEAAPF00),DISP=MOD //VAT DD DSN=SYS1.PARMLIB(VATLST00),DISP=MOD //SYSIN DD * REPRO INDATASET (SYS1.PROCLIB(JES2)) - OUTDATASET (SYS1.PROCLIB(JES2OLD)) DELETE (SYS1.PROCLIB(JES2)) REPRO INFILE (NEWJES) OUTFILE(JES) REPRO INDATASET (SYS1.PARMLIB(IEAAPF00)) - OUTDATASET (SYS1.PARMLIB(IEAAPF99)) DELETE (SYS1.PARMLIB(IEAAPF00)) REPRO INFILE (NEWAPF) OUTFILE(APF) REPRO INDATASET (SYS1.PARMLIB(VATLST00)) - OUTDATASET (SYS1.PARMLIB(VATLST99)) DELETE (SYS1.PARMLIB(VATLST00)) REPRO INFILE (NEWVAT) OUTFILE(VAT) //NEWJES DD DATA //JES2 PROC M=JES2PARM, 00100000 // N=SYS1, 00200000 // L=LINKLIB, 00300000 // U=3350, 00400000 // N1=SYS1, 00500000 // P0=SYS1, 00600000 // P1=SYS2, 00700000 // P2=SYS1, 00800000 // P=JES2PARM 00900000 //IEFPROC EXEC PGM=HASJES20, 01000000 // TIME=1440, 01100000 // DPRTY=(15,15) 01200000 //STEPLIB DD UNIT=&U,DISP=SHR,DSN=&N..&L 01300000 //PROC00 DD UNIT=3350,VOL=SER=SYSCPK,DISP=SHR,DSN=SYSC.PROCLIB 01400000 // DD DSN=&P0..PROCLIB,DISP=SHR 01500000 // DD DSN=&P1..PROCLIB,DISP=SHR 01600000 // DD DSN=&P2..PROCLIB,DISP=SHR 01700000 //HASPPARM DD DSN=&N1..&P(&M),DISP=SHR 01800000 /* //NEWAPF DD * SYS1.VTAMLIB MVSRES, 00100000 SYS1.INDMAC MVSRES, 00200000 SYSC.LINKLIB SYSCPK 00300000 //NEWVAT DD * CBTCAT,1,2,3350 ,N CBT Files (#0), contains SYS1.UCA00100000 CBT001,1,2,3350 ,N CBT Files (#1) 00200000 CBT002,1,2,3350 ,N CBT Files (#2) 00300000 CBT003,1,2,3350 ,N CBT Files (#3) 00400000 CBT004,1,2,3350 ,N CBT Files (#4) 00500000 HASP00,1,1,3330 ,N MVS 3.8 JES Spool Disk 1 00600000 HASP01,1,1,3330 ,N MVS 3.8 JES Spool Disk 2 00700000 LISP80,1,0,3380 ,N LISP work pack 00800000 MVSCAT,1,0,3390 ,N MVS Catalog volume 00900000 MVSDLB,1,2,3350 ,N MVS DLIB 01000000 MVSRES,1,2,3350 ,N MVS 3.8 SYSRES 01100000 PAGE00,1,2,3340 ,N MVS 3.8 Page Disk 1 01200000 PAGE01,1,2,3340 ,N MVS 3.8 Page Disk 2 01300000 PAGE02,1,2,3340 ,N MVS 3.8 Page Disk 3 01400000 PUB000,1,0,3350 ,N TSO Pack 1, contains SYS1.UCAT.TS01500000 PUB001,1,0,3375 ,N TSO Pack 2 01600000 PUB002,1,0,3380 ,N TSO Pack 3 01700000 PUB003,1,0,3390 ,N TSO Pack 4 01800000 SORT00,0,1,2314 ,N Sort Volume 1 01900000 SORT01,0,1,2314 ,N Sort Volume 2 02000000 SORT02,0,1,2314 ,N Sort Volume 3 02100000 SORT03,0,1,2314 ,N Sort Volume 3 02200000 SORT04,0,1,2314 ,N Sort Volume 4 02300000 SORT05,0,1,2314 ,N Sort Volume 5 02400000 SORT06,0,1,2314 ,N Sort Volume 6 02500000 SPOOL0,1,1,3330 ,N Starter Pack JES Spool Disk 02600000 SRCCAT,1,2,3350 ,N MVS Source code 02700000 SRC000,1,2,3350 ,N MVS Source code 02800000 SRC001,1,2,3350 ,N MVS Source code 02900000 SRC002,1,2,3350 ,N MVS Source code 03000000 SRC003,1,2,3350 ,N MVS Source code 03100000 START1,1,2,3330 ,N Starter Pack sysres volume 03200000 SYSCPK,1,2,3350 ,N PRIVATE - SYSTEM LANGUAGE/COMPILER PACK 03300000 WORK00,1,1,3350 ,N WORKPACK 03400000 WORK01,1,1,3375 ,N WORKPACK 03500000 WORK02,1,1,3380 ,N WORKPACK 03600000 WORK03,1,1,3390 ,N WORKPACK 03700000
The statements that were inserted in the modified members are shown in color.
Submit the job; the single step of the job should receive a return code of 0000.
Note: The JES2 startup procedure will be modified to place the Procedure Library on SYSCPK - SYSC.PROCLIB - as the first library in the concatenation for PROC00. For personal preference, you may wish to modify the JES2 procedure to place SYSC.PROCLIB in another position in the concatenation. This is discussed a bit more in the section below - Executing the Compilers/Tools.
Note: If you are running on a system that has some type of security system installed, such as the Turnkey system, you will need to modify the jobstream to supply credentials to satisfy the security system, or this job will not be able to modify the SYS1.PARMLIB members.
Shut down MVS and then Hercules.
Edit the Hercules' configuration file used when Hercules is executed to run MVS (probably mvs.cnf, or turnkey_mvs.conf located in the conf subdirectory if you are running a version of the Turnkey system). You do not have to add the volume attached to the same address you used when you manually attached it above (in step 2), but be sure that the address you use has been generated as a 3350 DASD device.
I do not run my system with any DASD volumes set to readonly, but I received feedback that if you set SYSCPK as readonly on the Turnkey system, you cannot access any members of any Partitioned Dataset on SYSCPK. If you are concerned about accidentally updating the SYSCPK volume image, you can use the fakewrite option, which will accept write operations to the volume image and report them as completed to MVS, but will not actually perform the write to the volume image file.
Restart Hercules and MVS normally. All of the compilers/tools on the SYSCPK volume are now usable in your system.
With very few exceptions, all of the load modules in SYSC.LINKLIB are executed using catalogued procedures, which are located in the Procedure Library on SYSCPK - SYSC.PROCLIB. Each of the procedures contains a STEPLIB DD card so that the system will search SYSC.LINKLIB for the load module rather than using any of the libraries named in the Linklist. The necessity for a STEPLIB rather than relying on the Linklist is that any library to be included in the Linklist must be catalogued in the Master Catalog, and part of the design was to have a completely contained volume with all of its objects catalogued in its own User Catalog.
Here is the list of procedures contained in SYSC.PROCLIB (from the $INDEX member):
$INDEX This member ALGOFC MVT ALGOL Compile ALGOFCG MVT ALGOL Compile & Execute ALGOFCL MVT ALGOL Compile & Link-Edit ALGOFCLG MVT ALGOL Compile, Link-Edit, & Execute ASM$C Assembler XF (patched for macro xref) Compile ASM$CG Assembler XF (patched for macro xref) Compile & Execute ASM$CL Assembler XF (patched for macro xref) Compile & Link-Edit ASM$CLG Assembler XF (patched for macro xref) Compile, Link-Edit, & Execute ASMGC Assembler G (Waterloo) Compile ASMGCG Assembler G (Waterloo) Compile & Execute ASMGCL Assembler G (Waterloo) Compile & Link-Edit ASMGCLG Assembler G (Waterloo) Compile, Link-Edit, & Execute ASMPROJ Assembler XF (IFOX00) Compile & Initial storage in module ASMXC Assembler XF (IFOX00) Compile ASMXCG Assembler XF (IFOX00) Compile & Execute ASMXCL Assembler XF (IFOX00) Compile & Link-Edit ASMXCLG Assembler XF (IFOX00) Compile, Link-Edit, & Execute ASSIST Execute ASSIST A68C ALGOL 68c (Cambridge) Compile A68CG ALGOL 68c (Cambridge) Compile & Execute A68CL ALGOL 68c (Cambridge) Compile & Link-Edit A68CLG ALGOL 68c (Cambridge) Compile, Link-Edit, & Execute A68LG ALGOL 68c (Cambridge) Link-Edit & Execute A68XREF ALGOL 68c (Cambridge) Print Cross Reference BASIC1UP Ed Liss BASIC360 compiler v3.3.1 BASICMON Ed Liss BASIC360 compiler v3.3.1 COBUC MVT COBOL Compile COBUCG MVT COBOL Compile & Execute COBUCL MVT COBOL Compile & Link-Edit COBUCLG MVT COBOL Compile, Link-Edit, & Execute DISASM Gerhard Postposchil's Dis-assembler FORTGC MVT FORTRAN IV (G) Compile FORTGCL MVT FORTRAN IV (G) Compile & Link-Edit FORTGCLD MVT FORTRAN IV (G) Compile & Execute FORTGCLG MVT FORTRAN IV (G) Compile, Link-Edit, & Execute FORTGLG MVT FORTRAN IV (G) Link-Edit & Execute FORTHC MVT FORTRAN IV (H) Compile FORTHCL MVT FORTRAN IV (H) Compile & Link-Edit FORTHCLD MVT FORTRAN IV (H) Compile & Execute FORTHCLG MVT FORTRAN IV (H) Compile, Link-Edit, & Execute FORTHLG MVT FORTRAN IV (H) Link-Edit & Execute GCCC GCC Compile GCCCL GCC Compile & Link-Edit GCCCLG GCC Compile, Link-Edit, & Execute MORT MORTRAN Translate MORTGC MORTRAN Translate & Compile (FORTRAN IV -G-) MORTGCG MORTRAN Translate, Compile (FORTRAN IV -G-), & Execute MORTGCL MORTRAN Translate, Compile (FORTRAN IV -G-), & Link-Edit MORTGCLG MORTRAN Translate, Compile (FORTRAN IV -G-), Link-Edit, & Execute MORTHC MORTRAN Translate & Compile (FORTRAN IV -H-) MORTHCG MORTRAN Translate, Compile (FORTRAN IV -H-), & Execute MORTHCL MORTRAN Translate, Compile (FORTRAN IV -H-), & Link-Edit MORTHCLG MORTRAN Translate, Compile (FORTRAN IV -H-), Link-Edit, & Execute PASNC New Stanford Pascal Compile PASNCG New Stanford Pascal Compile & Execute PASNCL New Stanford Pascal Compile & Link-Edit PASNCLG New Stanford Pascal Compile, Link-Edit, & Execute PDSUR Reload/Unload Partitioned Datasets in IEHMOVE format PL1DFC MVT PL/I (F) Compile (object deck output) PL1LFC MVT PL/I (F) Compile (load library output) PL1LFCG MVT PL/I (F) Compile & Execute PL1LFCL MVT PL/I (F) Compile & Link-Edit PL1LFCLG MVT PL/I (F) Compile, Link-Edit, & Execute PL1LFG MVT PL/I (F) Execute (Loader) PL1LFLG MVT PL/I (F) Link-Edit & Execute PL360C PL360 Compile PL360CG PL360 Compile & Execute PL360CL PL360 Compile & Link-Edit PL360CLG PL360 Compile, Link-Edit, & Execute P8PASC Pascal 8000 Compile P8PASCAL Pascal 8000 Compile & Execute P8PASCL Pascal 8000 Compile & Link-Edit P8PASCLG Pascal 8000 Compile, Link-Edit, & Execute P8PASINC Pascal 8000 include directive for P8PASCL & P8PASCLG RECV370 Jim Morrison's RECV370 RPGEC MVT RPG Compile RPGECL MVT RPG Compile & Link-Edit RPGECLG MVT RPG Compile, Link-Edit, & Execute RPGELG MVT RPG Link-Edit & Execute SBPASCAL S.U.N.Y. Stony Brook Pascal Compile & Execute SCRIPT Waterloo Script SIMC SIMULA Compile SIMCG SIMULA Compile & Execute SIMCL SIMULA Compile & Link-Edit SIMCLG SIMULA Compile, Link-Edit, & Execute SNOBOL4 SNOBOL 4 Compile & Execute SORT MVT Sort/Merge SORTD MVT Sort/Merge SPIT370 SPITBOL/370 Compile & Execute STPASCAL Stanford Pascal Compile & Execute SUPRLIST SUPERLST VTOC list utility WATFIV Waterloo FORTRAN IV Execute XMIT370 Jim Morrison's XMIT370 XPLA Compiler Generator Syntax Analyzer XPLC Compiler Generator Compile XPLCG Compiler Generator Compile & Execute XPLG Compiler Generator Execute
Some of these procedures duplicate similar procedures in SYS1.PROCLIB, and perhaps SYS2.PROCLIB also, if you have SYS2.PROCLIB defined in your system and have installed some of these compilers. The version in this library will be located first, because the modification of the JES2 procedure places the DD statement for this library first in the concatenation. If for any reason you still want to execute a similar procedure from the other library(s), you will need to modify the JES2 procedure to allow procedure library specification in JCL. That is not difficult to do and is described at: How can I execute catalogued procedures from a library other than SYS1.PROCLIB?
Yes, I expect to continue to add compilers and related tools to the Language Compilers Available for MVS 3.8 page, and I will now be adding them to the SYSCPK image, at the same time. Whenever I make an addition, I will place an entry on Changes and update the version number and date in the heading of this page. If you want to update your copy of the SYSCPK volume image to the latest version, all you need to do is download the archive, extract the image, and (with Hercules/MVS not running, of course), use it to replace the previous version of the volume image pointed to in your Hercules' configuration file.
I have also added a SYSC.$HISTORY dataset on the volume to track updates to the volume's contents. The entries in this dataset for the most recent updates are:
VV.MM __ Date __ _______________________________________________________ 01.41 2025/03/12 1. Applied ZAP to Stanford 79 Pascal compiler to correct compiler listing and DATE function to reflect correct century (2000). 2. Added modules IHOFCVTH, FQCONO#, FQCONI#, and FTEN# to SYSC.FORTLIB; required to resolve links from Stanford 77 Pascal. 3. Added Pascal 77 source/libraries. 01.40 2025/02/23 1. Add Gerhard Postpischil's version of DELINKER to SYSC.CBT.SOURCE and SYSC.LINKLIB 2. Correct STEPLIB for DELINKER step in PRINTOFF installation jobstream in SYSC.CBT.SOURCE. 3. Update MVT Sort to V 1.04. 01.39 2025/01/31 1. Update Gerhard Postpischil's disassembler to final version (source and documentation in SYSC.DISASM. SOURCE, load modules in SYSC.LINKLIB, PROC in SYSC.PROCLIB, and jobstream in SYSC.JCLLIB'. 01.38 2025/01/22 1. Update SYSC.SORT.CTNL(IVP2) to switch SORT WORK DASD unit from 2314 to 3390 2. Update SYSC.CBT.SOURCE(VTOC) to Rob Prin's latest revisions. 3. Added Sam Golub's VTT2DISK/VTT2TAPE, which allows tape (real or AWS) image to be folded into 80-byte disk/tape dataset. 01.37 2024/06/02 1. Updated WHICHLIB in SYSC.LINKLIB to handle members of SYS1.PARMLIB where blanks may preceed parm data. 2. Updated IBHLSPAC in SYSC.CBT.SOURCE, SYSC,LINKLIB, and SYSC.JCLLIB. Added capability to read from SYSIN a table of masks for VOLSER to summarize space by groups of DASD volumes. 01.36 2024/05/17 1. Updated ZZRELINK to CBT v506 in SYSC.CBT.SOURCE and added AC(1) to reassemble to SYSC.LINKLIB. Added DCB=(RECFM=FB,LRECL=121,BLKSIZE=121) to SYSPRINT in SYSC.JCLLIB. Required for relink of some system modules. 01.35 2024/05/06 1. Added code to Y2KGETD (in SYSC.Y2K.SOURCE) to return system time. Also updated IVP to report and recompiled Y2KGETD into SYSC.LINKLIB. 2. Added Sam Golub's EMPTYTST to SYSC.CBT.SOURCE, SYSC.LINKLIB, and SYSC.JCLLIB. Modified source to use Y2KGETD for system date/time. 3. Added Bruce Leland's STATS program to SYSC.CBT.SOURCE, SYSC.LINKLIB, and SYSC.JCLLIB. 01.34 2024/03/16 1. Removed duplicate Waterloo SCRIPT documentation 2. Installed SCRIPT PROC in SYSC.PROCLIB and 3. JCL to print manual in SYSC.JCLLIB (supplied by Doug Wegscheid). 4. Added source for SPITBOL/370 and jobstream supplied by Peter Sylvester to build load library 01.33 2024/03/11 1. Installed Tom Armstrong's OS/360 MVT Sort V1.01 from CBT FILE #1036. 2. Updated SPITBOL/370 (Peter Sylvester). 01.32 2023/05/25 1. Reinstalled Tom Armstrong's ALGOL compiler from CBT File #876, plus his 2021/11/19 patch. 2. Added SYSLIN DD DUMMY to ASMGC procedure.
Of course, in order to prevent this type of update from impacting your system, you must not modify or add to the contents of the SYSCPK volume. If you do make modifications, you will need to maintain your own system to re-apply those modifications following an update of the volume image from this site. It is not an impossible task, but is probably one best avoided.
I would especially elicit feedback if you have installed SYSCPK on your system and encountered any problems or see areas where clarification would be helpful. This was a major task that has taken me several weeks of effort to complete. It is certainly possible that there are minor problems that I have managed to miss, in spite of quite a bit of testing. I would be grateful for the notification of any problems or difficulties you encounter. Also, I believe that I have contemplated all possible issues in the design of the ISYSCPK program, but I do not have access to more than a few configurations of Hercules/MVS to test on and most of them are really quite similar. So if you have a particular configuration that causes unexpected behavior of ISYSCPK, please let me know.
I hope that you have found my instructions useful. If you have questions that I can answer to help expand upon the information I have included here, please don't hesitate to send them to me:
This page was last updated on March 12, 2025.